Contact us

At CoppedAU, we are striving for the best customer service. We believe in providing our customers with the highest level of satisfaction, and we're committed to making your shopping experience with us as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated customer service team is here to help you with anything you need. We're available to assist you via email, or by filling out the contact form below. Additionally, if you require more general help with sizing or colorway options, please reach out via our website's dedicated live chat or via Instagram messages.




27 Therry Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000

At CoppedAU, we offer multiple ways to get in touch with us, so you can choose the method that's most convenient for you. Our team will do our best to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours, but please note that we may experience longer response times during peak periods. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Thank you for choosing CoppedAU for your sneaker needs. We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future.